Bio Summative
It was during the Mesozoic era that alligators, caimans, crocodiles and gharials were said to have evolved from Dinosauria (dinosaurs). Dating back over 180 million years ago today, Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae family are the only known links to the prehistoric era which thrived before its mass extinction. It is quite fascinating examining the function of these aquatic animals, for example, they are known to imbibe rocks to lower their center of gravity. As they move around within their habitat consuming fish, frogs, turtles and other vertebrates they are able to float better and avoid drowning by the rock consumption. Scientists predict that their aquatic manner may have been the reason they survived the asteroid impact that led to the extinction of dinosaurs. ( Many Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae listed as an apex predator. Among many - another cool feature of their existence - known as the alpha species many are leaders in the wild, with few to no known predators of their own. Moving around with a virtually armoured body many other species fear them, as they are hard to kill; one must make a quiet and unmissable strike at the sides of their neck. This is their soft spot traditional alligator hunters would attack with spears. Nevertheless, to cross the path of this alpha animal or attempt to kill it, can be detrimental and will often result in a fatal loss by the attacker. As an apex predator, many really are the gods in their ecosystem, these descendants play significant roles in maintaining balance simply by consuming life. For example, an invasive species causing conflict with a native species can then cause an unbalance. As an apex predator - if it consumes both species or one species over the other on a regular basis (in this case) the ecological imbalance would work itself out. Alligators are an important "keystone" species of the Southeast. Alligators use their tails to dig burrows in mud for nesting and to keep warm. When an alligator abandons a burrow, the hole left behind fills with freshwater and is utilized by other species for breeding and drinking. If alligators are removed from their native ecosystem, it would affect countless other species. ( American Alligators (for example) play a key role in the survival of other aquatic animals. Taking a liking to modifying wet lands they inhabit – especially the Everglades – American Alligators construct small ponds known as alligator holes. In tern, the holes become a home for other species; some aquatic species even survive the dry season by living in those holes. Their functionality in a systematic form is also another very intriguing topic. In short crocodiles were made strictly for crushing so was a prey has been caught it is merely crushed then swallowed. In order to maintain proper digestion they again consume rocks which allow them to break down what they have swallowed. (